After serving more than a decade in retail, higher education, and the publishing industry, I created E.Crew Executive Leadership Coaching to partner with people and organizations in elevating their leadership capacity, organizational culture, and vision for the common good. E.Crew Executive Leadership Coaching is a leadership development boutique specializing in coaching, consulting, and training where a passion for exploration, experimentation, and transformation is the driving force of the work. E.Crew Executive Leadership Coaching has partnered with stakeholders in these organizations and more:
Throughout my journeys within organizations and communities I have been continually driven by a fascination with the way leadership behavior affects those environments. My personal motto, Transforming to Lead – Leading to Transform, underscores my belief that as individual and group leadership capacity is elevated, more transformational and life-giving relationships, communities, and organizations are cultivated and sustained. In light of this, E.Crew Executive Leadership Coaching is built upon, and operates from, these pillars:
I hold a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership with the Certificate of Servant-Leadership from Gonzaga University. In addition, I also hold the International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach designation, the Kansas Leadership Center’s Level 1 Certification, and serve as an Adjunct Faculty member for Professional Studies in the field of Organizational Leadership. I enjoy cycling, hiking, reading early US history, keeping updated on current events, and watching college football. My wife and I reside in the Kansas City Metro where we enjoy serving the community, connecting with friends, and experiencing the city’s top-notch entertainment and cultural amenities.
My Leadership Philosophy
To engage in exceptional, life-giving leadership behavior, one (a leader) must first and foremost, wholeheartedly pursue self-care and self-awareness. In light of this, it is necessary to continually confront and unmask personal self-deceptions and create margin for respite, reflection, and renewal. As self-deceptions are eradicated and renewal is prioritized, authenticity is cultivated, and as authenticity is cultivated, a person becomes increasingly transformed.
When a person is committed to personal transformation through self-care and self-awareness, those they influence are enabled to strive for the same, and there begins the foundation for the development of a healthy community. Once this foundation has been laid, a healthy and thriving community can only exist toward its fullest potential when personal transformation culminates in a natural propensity to serve others before serving self. Serving personal selfish desires first can lead to the oppression of others whether intentional or unintentional; and for those holding a position of authority, it can become an environment that is easy to propagate due to the ability to control and exert power. However, considering the needs of others before selfish desires actually provides sustained authority and greater opportunities to engage in healthy acts of leadership because authority and leadership are conferred upon rather than coerced. Once this is acknowledged and practiced, the members of the community not only see and benefit, but in-turn are encouraged and inspired to act the same toward one another.
In addition to pursuing self-care and self-awareness, developing and honoring one’s own “voice” is critical as well. I agree with… Continue Reading